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From festivals in Florida to touring Dracula’s digs in Romania, we round up the best destinations to visit this October. As summer abandons Europe again this October, eke out the last of the rays and raves in Ibiza, where nightclubs will be going out with a bang for the winter break. When the party finally stops head to the island’s north.

A Thomas Hart Benton Mural, Repurposed as a Writing Desk

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 950 Review: Pricing Is Everything

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

Fashion Week Parties: Night 4

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

The Secret to Your Company’s Financial Health

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 950 Review: Pricing Is Everything

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

Celebrity make-up artist Gary Cockerill shows you beauty trick

All right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that's what you're best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt...

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